Meet Bryson

15 Questions with Bryson Iskra - Lead Guitarist

  1. Birthday: January 5th

  2. Hometown: Spartanburg, SC

  3. Favorite instrument: Guitar

  4. What made you want to become a musician? Playing Guitar Hero and my Papa

  5. Which instruments did you play in high school? Guitar

  6. What are your hobbies or interests outside of music? Fishing, traveling, camping, going out

  7. Describe your favorite performance venue. “I can’t honestly say… every place has its own charm.”

  8. Tell me about the craziest/worst thing that has ever happened onstage. “I had a cable crap itself (go out) and had to panic to get a new one.”

  9. What qualities do you think make a great musician? “Creativity, passion, and a general love for all music.”

  10. How do you handle performance anxiety (nervousness)? “I just breathe and remember this is what I want to do for my career.”

  11. What is the most trouble that you ever have gotten into? “Almost had the cops called on me when I was a kid.” (Yeah, but what did you DO, Bryson? ;) )

  12. What is your favorite song to perform? “I don’t think I can really say I have a favorite.”

  13. How did you come up with the Creek Band name? “Just by taking the names of what was around (nearby places).”

  14. Who are your biggest influences? “David Gilmour, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, and many more.”

  15. What's the best piece of advice another musician ever gave you? “Be true to yourself and just never stop playing.”

Well said!!

Take a listen to some of Bryson’s favorite songs.


Meet Jarrett