“Mista Sticks” - Kevin Heuer

We recently caught up with Kevin Heuer, who has been Jarrett’s drum instructor for the past five years. Keep reading for the scoop! 

1.  When did you start playing drums?  

In 1969, when I was 8 years old. 

 2. Do you play any other instruments? 


3. Are you currently playing in a band, and if so, what band? 

I play with a few bands: Low Stakes, Faulty Plowers, Evan’s Dilemma, and Stephen Cantrelll. 

4. When did you play your first gig? Details? 

My first PAID gig was with the AMVETS Band in 1988. I made $60. 

5. Which do you prefer: solo, duo, or full band, and why? 

Full band - I’m a drummer! 

6. How long have you been teaching drum lessons? 

Since 1987. 

7. How did you begin teaching drums? 

I had lost a day job and thought I’d try teaching. I met a man in Greenville named Charlie Wood. He gave me a shot and the rest is history! 

8. What inspired you to teach your skills to others? 

I had great teachers growing up, and I knew I could help younger students. 

9. Are teaching and playing gigs your main jobs? 


10. What advice would you give to a beginning drummer? 

Find a teacher, at least for a while, and learn to read music a little. 

11. What qualities make a good drummer? 

Supporting the song and the singer, playing good time, showing up on time, and not being an ass. 

12. How long has Jarrett been taking drum lessons? 

5 years 

13. What is Jarrett’s greatest strength as a drummer? 

The variety of music he plays is great, and his personal style. 

14. How have Jarrett’s lessons changed from when he started playing? 

He’s way better now! 

Evan’s Dilemma

For drum lessons with Kevin Heuer please contact: 

Roper Music 

(864) 542-2263 


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